A Traveling Exhibition
March 21, 2015 – April 2015, The City Gallery at Waterfront Park, Charleston, SC
July 2017, International Cartographic Association 28th Conference, Washington DC
Above Between Below is a comprehensive educational exhibition of Mary Edna Fraser’s batiks on silk depicting images of space, earth, and deep sea. Lectures, videos and books support the presentation. Designed for exhibition by art museums, science centers, and university galleries, the format is flexible and can be curated to fit the needs of each host institution. In addition, its interdisciplinary approach will have special appeal to educators.
The pioneering work of contemporary American artist Mary Edna Fraser has been collected and exhibited worldwide. Her large-scale artwork in the ancient medium of batik utilizes aerial photography, satellite imagery, and modern dye technology. In 1994-95, she was the first woman to be honored with a one-person exhibition at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. The National Science Foundation and National Academy of Science have featured Fraser’s collaborations, as have Duke Museum of Art and Emory University.
Above Between Below combines three bodies of work with leading scientists in their fields.
The Above component has been exhibited as Mapping the Planets in Silk and Sound, in collaboration with planetary scientist Ted Maxwell of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s Center for Earth and Planetary Studies and composer Mark Mercury of Los Angeles.
The Between component has been exhibited as Our Expanding Oceans featuring Fraser’s work with coastal geologist Orrin H. Pilkey, Duke University Professor Emeritus. They produced two critically acclaimed books together, A Celebration of the World’s Barrier Islands, Columbia University Press, 2003, and Global Climate Change: A Primer, Duke University Press, 2011. Fraser and Pilkey have had over 50 exhibitions together since meeting in 1993.
The Below component displays Fraser’s newest batiks for Cindy Lee Van Dover, biological oceanographer, director of the Duke University Marine Lab and first female pilot of the submersible Alvin. Van Dover brought Fraser aboard the Woods Hole Research Vessel Atlantis in 2012 where she created watercolor maps that were later translated to silk in her studio. She also shot the video Exploring Deep Sea Volcanoes off the Coast of Barbados: An Artist’s Perspective.
Above Between Below offers a bridge to science through art. Batiks on silk convey perspectives that the human eye and ordinary cameras cannot reveal. This unique experience offers the public a stimulating visual and verbal exchange of knowledge.
Video, Exploring Deep Sea Volcanoes off the Coast of Barbados: An Artist’s Perspective(17:03), edited by Cecelia Dailey
Video, Batik Artist (6:30), Ted Turner South, Southern Living
Music by Mark Mercury
Catalog for Above, Between, Below, by Cecelia Dailey
In production with University of South Carolina Press, The Batik Art of Mary Edna Fraser, by Cecelia Dailey
Touch panel of silks prepared by the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum
Tools of batik, watercolor paints, and rocks from the Deep Sea, to be encased
Books by Orrin Pilkey, to be encased
Labels prepared by the City Gallery at Waterfront Park, Charleston, SC
Batiks on Silk
Asteroid Ida 101” x 36” 2002
Comet West 87” x 36” 2004
Crater Aurelia (Venus ) 57” x 49” 2001
Dark Spot (Neptune) 52” x 44” 2003
Dying Star 30.5” x 54” 2013
Earthrise 143” x 36” 2003
Eye of God 50” x 51.5” 2007
Faint Disk (Uranus) 45” x 44” 2000
Heavenly Body 41” x 52” 2000
Io’s Shadow (Jupiter) 38” x 49” 2001
Mercury’s Rays 40” x 35” 2003
Pacific Full Moon 50” x 44” 1999
Pluto and Charon 102” x 54” 2001
Rings of Ice 43” x 36” 1999
Slice of Mars 114” x 35” 2004
Sun Spot 47” x 35” 2003
The Pleiades 36” x 50” 2003
Atafu Atoll (Tokelau, South Pacific) 22” x 22” 2010
Bangladesh (South Asia) 46” x 43” 2010
Bhutan’s Himalayas 37.5” x 54” 2008
Boston II (MA) 43” x 98.5” 2007
Charleston Airborne Flooded (SC) 97” x 35” 2010
Charleston Runner (SC), framed 15” x 60” 1996 Gibbes Museum
Charleston Waterways (SC) 21’ x 9’ 1989 Chas. Int. Airport
Earthscaping 47” x 47” 2001
Flying North (SC) 93” x 44” 2004
Glacial Canyon (AK) 60” x 36” 1993
Global Perception (21′ section) 252” x 108” 1999
Great Barrier Reef I (Australia) 51” x 48” 2007
Great Barrier Reef II (Australia) 104” x 45” 2008
Gulf Oil Spill 55” x 35” 2010
Homage to Hokusai II 53” x 43” 2011
Hurricane Katrina 51” x 54” 2007
Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) 34” x 44.5” 2008
Laguna Madre (Mexico) 33” x 35.75” 2009
Monterey Canyon (CA) 121” x 72” 2005
Moulin (Greenland) 54” x 36” 2010
Murray River (Australia) 31” x 27.75” 2009
Northwest Passage (Arctic Ocean) 38.5” x 54” 2008
Pteropod (Limacina helicina) 24” x 18” 2010
Romain’s Refuge (SC) 106” x 33” 2005
Selenga Delta (Lake Baikal, Russia) 44” x 45” 2006
Self Portrait 102” x 36” 2005
Shishmaref’s Shores (AK) 34” x 98” 1996
Sinking Colombian Shores 34” x 63” 1998
Slice of South Carolina 324” x 78” 1999
Slopes of Mauna Loa (HI) 184” x 36” 1994
Spencer Gulf (Australia) 26” x 37” 2009
Venice (Italy) 61” x 47” 2000
Wilsons Promontory (Australia) 27.25” x 35.5” 2009
Yukon Delta (AK) 44” x 44” 2006
Bajan Mud Volcanoes 9’ x 4’ 2014
Deformation Zone 17’ x 3’ 2014
Volcanoes 4’ x 4’ 2014
All 58 batiks are owned by the artist, except Bhutan’s Himalayas, Charleston Runner, Charleston Waterways, Edingsville, Homage to Hokusai II, and Gaia which are easily available for loan.
Bajan Mud Volcanoes (Barbados) 16.25” x 10.125” 2012
Deformation Zone (Barbados) 15.25” x 7.625” 2012
Larvae (Barbados) 13.75” x 8.5” 2012
Mysterious Ocean Floor (Barbados) 16.5” x 18” 2012
Volcanoes (Barbados) 13.75” x 13.5” 2012
Mary Edna Fraser, artist
Cecelia Dailey, videographer and editor