Online Auction for Charleston Pro Bono
We’re involved in this Wednesday’s Virtual Art on the Beach! Tune into the IG Live on @artonthebeachchs at 7PM Eastern on Wednesday to join in on the fun. Features include @greyghostbakery @erikalynnhandmade @maryednafraser @annexdancecompany @ginocharleston @crucatering @chdmag @artonthebeachchs #aotbgoesvirtual
Auction begins 6PM October 7th & ends November 8th by 11PM
Included: Charleston Charted, 22” x 7.21″ metallic canvas – starts at $175
Mary Edna Fraser was commissioned by Ingevity, a sustainable company, to design artwork for the 3-story stairwell in their new global headquarters in North Charleston. Charleston Charted is a 171” x 55” batik on silk depicting the peninsula and surrounding scapes in bright colors to coordinate with interior design plans by local firm LS3P. An enlarged reprint of 12 metallic 10’ x 4.5’ canvases became a 40’ x 13.5’ the welcoming installation in their entry.
Proceeds support
Charleston Pro Bono Legal Services, which provides free legal aid for people facing unlawful evictions, unemployment/veteran’s benefits not received, free wills & estate planning for school employees. Access to our justice system is especially necessary during this pandemic, and CPBLS adapts their programs to meet needs of the community regardless of individual income.